Friday, June 23, 2006


Preferred Superpower

In order to advance the cause of philosophy and religion I must pose a very important question: if you were to choose one super power, what would it be?

[Uberich: Hmmm, seems like you're advancing the cause of the Ungame?]

In talking with my wife, I decided the coolest super power would be the ability to read at a super-human pace with maximal reading comprehension. I consider this a kind of super power because, as it probably apparent to anyone who attempts to read material other than the newspaper, real reading isn't at all like optical character recognition with a little character encoding thrown in.

I guess I'd miss out on flying, invisibility and telepathy, which all seem fun - but I'd rather be reading I think. My main attack would have to be uttering just the right quote to diffuse a situation and make my nemesis ponder their own existence.

I think I may post on this - we should turn it into a blog meme. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? See how far we can spread it...

And I have to ask... was this:
"real reading isn't at all like optical character recognition with a little character encoding thrown in"
a Dykstra-esque smackdown on the AI crowd? ;-)
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